How To Sing Pop Punk Vocals In A Shouted Style Like Neck Deep, The Story So Far, Knuckle Puck

pop punk vocal tutorials vocal tutorials Jan 20, 2021

The most important aspect of developing a pop punk shouted vocal style is being able to sing the phrases of your song in a clean voice FIRST without straining or becoming hoarse.

Before you can add the shouted style to your voice you must first master singing your phrases in a clean, clear and consistent manner. With your voice working reliably you will be able to learn how to add this shouted style without too much difficulty.

The steps necessary to build the pop punk shouted vocal style are as follows –

Step 1. Take a deep supported breath through your mouth with your mouth open tall.

Step 2. Sing the phrase you intend to sing in a clean and smooth manner with the supported breath.

Step 3. Sing the same phrase again and add a sensation of “crying” while sing the phrase. This will create a feeling of the sound being controlled, held back and may create a slightly dopey sound.

Step 4. Apply the shouted vocal sound through the same phrase you have been practicing in the previous steps and make sure to continue applying the “crying” sound sensation!

For a thorough understanding it will be necessary for you to refer to the video lesson above.